1st On Demand..

yaya., I attended the first on demand paper, for the subject of Accounting
(not the subject of Super Junior XD)
wow, ya know it's such the easiest paper ever > <
but I still don't hv confidence to pass this paper leh . . .
cuz I didn't do revision, because of sickness > <

I fall sick again on the eve of exam, haizz..
luckily, the day of exam my condition has improved by 90%
oh my, this is very lucky for me > <
thanks, thanks, thanks. . . . . .

this time, the exam Q was very 单纯
a Q is just a topic, didn't mix with other topics
our exam venue at CS, haha
we surely will go shopping after exam XD

刚开始进去考场时 发现里面空气很闷
可是hor 坐在里面几个小时の话 还真の会冷耶
我又腰酸背痛の 又再吹冷气 实在很难受 > <

但最后只是吃饭 + 走走一下就回家了
啊 不过我也没什么力气逛街吖 都生病~~
哈哈 没关系 我还有另外两个星期可以逛 =P
谁叫我这么皮痒去报考3科on demand呢 - -"

对噢 下个星期要去买mummyの礼物了
每年mummy生日都因为不知道要送什么东西 所以都没送
今年不可这样了 > < 而且今年让mummy担心の事情特别多
还有LCCI考试 她还很勇敢の载我去呢!! 真是辛苦她了 m(_ _)m
然后on demandの考试费用也是她给の (我不敢告诉叔叔 因为怕被敲头 =P)

嗯 还有今天是李宗伟对林丹の羽毛球金牌赛
成绩是21-15、10-21、19-21 结果还是败给了林丹
算啦 没关系 我还是一样支持你の^^ 别灰心噢 =)
因为李宗伟这号人物已经是马来西亚人民のNO. 1了!!

哈哈 我离题了
anyway, accounting考试已经过了 比赛也很遗憾の输了
该写の也都已经写完了 =)
Good 9 and hv a sweet dream^^


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