
Something really gonna happen
I had a strong feeling of that
of course I know what's that 
very clear very strong . . and it's something I'd wait so long

Thank God for saving me, guides my life
even better he gave me a lot hopes
and teach how to be a better person than before
Thank God!

If it not God I would hv no idea how I can live
yeah, my life is mess! 
and only God knows what I really need
how can I get my needs
We all need LOVE,  but first we need to give people our LOVE
Especially to God!

I'm grateful now
Thought I haven't get what I want
But I clearly know that God will give me at the right timing
and when I am ready for it!

Luckily, we are Child of God!
Be Happy, Be Grateful, Be with God! Cheers!

「My spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour」Luke 1:47

listening「Best Day of My Life_American Authors」


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