Valentines' Eve =)

from now on I will be a hard working student
from now on I will be a good girl . . . . . .
haha~ LIE!! XD
and also, didn't celebrate Valentine's Day for years > < 
actually celebrate with homeworks~ LOL

My PILOT G-2 collection
pretty, eh? =)

quite hard working recently . . .
doin' something I really DON'T like, it's named home work XD
haizz . . . there is no way to choose!!
either I fail all my exam or do home work - -

by the way, those pens at pic there is used for write note =)
it's look pretty at note books and notes become easier to remember!!

and this . . . a gift from Batam by aunt
not nice actually~ LOL

is time to talk about myself =)
the course I was studying, LCCI
it's internal exam will start at May 14 (day after Mother's Day)
while LCCI exam at June 5
lot of pressure > <

now, I really need something to reduce stress XD
This is it!!
M.A.C Lipstick and Cremesheen Glass^^

Lipstick was named「Angel」~  is a frost finish soft pink~
creamy and it is VANILLA scented!! gosh~ I LOVE VANILLA 
Cremesheen Glass in「Fashion Scoop」
a clear pink with tiiiiiny shimmer in it~ vanilla scented also^^

AWW!! it's time to back to reality > <
must do exercises - -

Good 9 


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